Upload a file to “MY DOCS”

Upload a file to “MY DOCS”

Follow these steps to upload a document to "MY DOCS" (Document Management System) 

  1. Navigate to “MY DOCS” (This can be found on the top row of the ASSA website) 
  2. Select “My Categories” on the left 

  3. Select the + beside the category of your choice OR create a new one (This is where the file will be saved) 
  4. Select “Upload Documents(s)” 

  5. In the dialog box that appears select “Select document(s)” 
  6. A file selection window will appear 
  7. Navigate to and select your file in this window 
  8. Select Open 
  9. Add a document name and any required notes in the fields provided 
  10. Select “Complete Upload” 

If these steps have not worked or you would like further assistance please contact our support team on 1300 131 014 

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