Add, Edit or Delete a Role

Add, Edit or Delete a Role

Roles can be added to allow Employees/Contractors to access different components of the ASSA Compliance System.

Roles can be setup for just one OR many Employees/Contractors.

Follow the steps below to:
  1. Add a new Role
  2. Edit an existing Role
  3. Delete an existing Role
  1. Open the ASSA website
  2. Login with your credentials
  3. On the top row, click the heading “MY TEAM”
  4. Select "Manage Roles"

Add a New Role
  1. Select "Add New Role"
  2. The form that appears allows you to set a name and description for the new role
    1. Use an appropriate name as this will allow you to quickly identify the role later
  1. Select each component/s of the ASSA compliance system that you would like this new role to be able to access
    1. Some items country specific (eg. The Law, Procedures). 
    2. Ensure you select the appropriate item (AU or NZ) 

  2. Select "ADD ROLE"
    You will now be able to see this role in the "Manage Roles" list
  3. To Assign this role to an Employee/Contractor please read the article below
    Assign a role to an Employee/Contractor
Edit an existing Role
  1. Locate the role to edit
  2. To the right of the Role Name, select the Edit icon (Pencil)
  3. The form that appears allows you to change the Role Name, Description and Components
    1. Some items country specific (eg. The Law, Procedures). 
    2. Ensure you select the appropriate item (AU or NZ) 
  4. Select "SAVE"
    The change you have made to the role will now apply to all Employee/Contractors have that role assigned to them
Delete an existing Role
  1. Locate the role to delete
  2. Select the delete icon (Circle with red X)
    1. If you see the message "This Role cannot be deleted because there are users connected to it"  you will need to Assign a new role to those Employee/Contractors before deleting the Role

If these steps have not worked or you would like further assistance please contact our support team on 1300 131 014 
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