Upload Your Company Logo

Upload Your Company Logo

By uploading your company logo, your online compliance system will be personalised with your unique branding, and your logo will be automatically inserted into many of the downloadable documents, including Policies and Safe Work Procedures.

On the ASSA website:

  1. Login with your credentials
  2. In the top right corner select “My Account”

  3. This will display a form where you can make changes to your profile
  4. Select "Edit Profile"

  5. Expand "Company Details"
  6. Select “Click to Select your logo”

  7. In the file selection window that appears locate and select the picture of your logo
  8. Select Open
  9. Click "Save Changes"

To check the position of the logo

  1. On the top row select “My Compliance”>”Policies” or “Procedures"

  2. On the right of any Policy or Procedure click “PDF”
    This will download the Policy or Procedure with your company logo embedded into the document
  3. Open the downloaded file and check the position of your logo
  4. If you cannot see your logo please repeat these steps and try again

If the issue persists please contact our support team

If these steps have not worked or you would like further assistance please contact our support team on 1300 131 014

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