Remove link to ASSA downloads or MY DOCS
You can remove a link to ASSA downloads (such as Safe Work Procedures and Policies) or “MY DOCS” from your Inductions/Training Course.
This ensures the course does not have a link to outdated or deleted content
To remove a document link from a course:
- Open the topic editor by following these steps:
- Select the type of course you would like to remove content from (INDUCTION or TRAINING)
- Select the course in the left column
- Locate the topic on the right
- Select the edit icon (pencil) to the right of the topic name
If the topic name does not have a pencil it may be a Generic ASSA topic - You will need to duplicate this before you can edit it
It is linked from another course - Update the original and that change will apply here - In the topic editor select the link to be removed
- Select “Insert" tab
- Click the Remove Link icon (Broken chain link)
This will remove the link BUT the text will remain
To remove the text use the backspace or delete key
To save changes click the "Save" button in the bottom right corner
If these steps have not worked or you would like further assistance please contact our support team on 1300 131 014
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