How do I insert a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation into my course?

How do I insert a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation into my course?

The most effective way to use a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation in your ASSA Inductions and Training Courses is to use an embed code, provided by Microsoft OneDrive, which can be easily placed into the HTML view of your course content.

Microsoft OneDrive is available to all users who have a Microsoft Account, which can be setup with no cost.  If you do not already have an account, browse to and register.  Once registered, login and you should be able to upload an existing Powerpoint Presentation or add a new one.
While the procedure outlined below was possible at the time this article was written (July 2021), it may not follow the same process in the future.  If you notice any areas in these instructions that require updating, please let us know!
If you require assistance with Microsoft OneDrive or Microsoft PowerPoint, please contact Microsoft Support directly.

Once uploaded or added you will be able to open the presentation within OneDrive.

To access your presentation embed code, which is required to embed the presentation into your ASSA course, click the 'File' Menu, followed by 'Share', and then click 'Embed'.

You will be presented with a window like the one below, allowing you to set a size.  As the ASSA course engine is around 950px wide, we recommend the 610x367 option.  Once that is selected, click in the embed code area, right click and choose copy (or use the Control-C shortcut on your keyboard) to copy the embed code, ready to paste into your ASSA course content.

Browse to your ASSA system and edit the course topic you wish to place the embed code.  Switch to HTML mode. 

If you are not familiar with HTML and you have a lot of unknown characters in this view, you can add some identifying marks in design view and search for them to locate where you would like to place the embed code. 

Simply right click and select paste (or Control-V shortcut on your keyboard) to paste the embed code where you would like it. 

Switch back to design view to see the presentation in your topic content!

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