How do I add or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video into an Induction or Training Course?

How do I add or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video into an Induction or Training Course?

To add a YouTube video to an Induction or Training course, first find and select the course, then add a topic or edit the topic content.

In the topic editor, place the cursor where you would like to insert the video and select the 'Insert' option from the editor menu.

Click on the 'Insert External Video' button as shown to open the insert external video options window.

You will see a text area where you can paste a YouTube or Video URL.

A URL from YouTube is as follows.  Find the video in YouTube and the URL is in the address bar of your browser.  Copy this address and paste it into the URL text box in the editor as follows:

Wait a few seconds and several options will show allowing you to set dimensions and player settings.  Once saved you will see the video in the editor:

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