Edit Course Material

Edit Course Material

If you need to edit any course material you can do this from the topic editor.

Open the topic editor by following these steps: 
  1. Highlight “MY TEAM”>“MY COURSES"

  1. Select the type of course you would like edit (INDUCTION or TRAINING) 
  1. Select the course in the left column
  1. Locate the topic on the right
  1. Select the edit icon (pencil) to the right of the topic name 

If the topic name does not have a pencil it may be a Generic ASSA topic - You will need to duplicate this before you can edit it

It is linked from another course - Update the original and that change will apply here

The “Edit” tab allows you to Undo and Redo previous actions, Spell Check, Cut Copy and Paste

The “Format” tab allows you to change the text size, colour, alignment etc. (See below for more details)

Once the “Format” tab has been selected you will see more options to customise the text in the editor


Formatting options:

Font: Headings

Font Type (Example Below)

Font Size (Example Below)

Font Colour (Example Below)

Convert Text Case: Upper to Lower Case, Lower to Upper Case (Example Below)

Bold, Italics, Underline

Alignment: Left, Centre, Right, Justified (Example Below)

Indent: Increase, Decrease (Example Below)

Lists: Numbered, Bulleted (Example Below)


If these steps have not worked or you would like further assistance please contact our support team on 1300 131 014

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